Wakefield District Health and Care PartnershipWakefield District Health and Care Partnership logo

Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership works to improve the health and wellbeing of local people, by reducing health inequalities, providing continuity of care and improving our services.

Our partnership includes NHS organisations, Wakefield Council, Healthwatch Wakefield, housing, voluntary and community sector organisations. We are proud to be part of West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

The members of our partnership are:

Our vision

Our aim is for the people of Wakefield district to live longer, healthier lives.

Our purpose statement

Together, we will work with the people of Wakefield district to create a connected system that supports people in their homes and communities to live healthier, happier lives.


Our priorities

Our priorities  are based on what we know makes the biggest difference to improving people’s health and wellbeing:

  • Ensuring a healthy standard of living for all – developing our approach to early intervention, community regeneration, skills, tackling poverty and the links between health and housing.
  • Giving every child the best start in life – developing arrangements with the children and young people’s partnership to strengthen health and wellbeing services and early intervention for children. This involves working with partners on programmes of work around the first 1,000 days of a child’s life, particularly focussing on school readiness, childhood obesity and family poverty.
  • Strengthening the role and impact of preventing ill-health – including supporting people to self-care, where safe to do so.
  • Creating and developing sustainable places and communities – in areas of high population growth, revitalising neighbourhoods and working with businesses.

How we make decisions

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership
The West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WYHCP) is made up of all the organisations that contribute to the health and wellbeing of the population of West Yorkshire, including NHS, local authorities, public health, voluntary sector organisations, housing and Healthwatch.

The WYHCP sets the overall strategy for West Yorkshire, which is built from the Health and Wellbeing Strategies of the five places.


West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)
The West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board is the statutory decision-making body for West Yorkshire.

Most decisions will be made through place-based partnerships in Bradford, Calderdale, Leeds, Kirklees and here in Wakefield district. Some decisions will be reserved to the ICB, such as determining the overarching plan for West Yorkshire and allocation of resources to the five places, to support delivery of the Health and Care Partnership Strategy. The decisions that will be made by the ICB are described in a Scheme of Reservation and Delegation (sometimes referred to as the SORD), which can be found on the West Yorkshire ICB website. Places will work together to make collective decisions where there are benefits to working at scale to solve wicked issues, to share good practice and to reduce unwarranted variation in access or standards of care.


Wakefield District Health and Wellbeing Board
Each of the five places has a Health and Wellbeing Board. This is a committee of the council which has a statutory responsibility to promote collaboration to improve population health. It is chaired by an elected councillor and its members include councillors and officers of the council, place representatives of the ICB, NHS trusts and voluntary sector, Healthwatch and other organisations, such as police and housing, whose work contributes to people’s wellbeing. The Wakefield District Health and Wellbeing Board develops the strategy for population health improvement for the district taking into account local health needs.


Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership Committee (WDHCP)
The Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership is a committee of the ICB. The ICB Scheme of Reservation and Delegation gives authority to the committee to make decisions that affect local people.

The WDHCP members include an independent chair and non-executive members as well as senior representatives of the organisations who contribute to health and wellbeing.


Transformation Delivery Collaborative
The Transformation Delivery Collaborative brings together representatives of the different organisations and sectors that run services for the district. Its role is to ensure that providers are working together to develop and transform services to meet the health needs of local people.


Provider Alliances
Provider Alliances bring together representatives of organisations and sectors with a focus on specific health issues, such as mental health, community and primary care, end of life care. Their role is to ensure professionals involved in delivery of services and people who use services are engaged in designing approaches to health improvement and models of care.


Integrated Assurance Committee
The Integrated Assurance Committee is a sub-committee of the WDHCP. Its role is to seek assurance that the partnership is fulfilling its responsibilities in relation to financial management, use of resources, quality, safety and performance.


People Panel
The People Panel is a sub-committee of the WDHCP, whose role is to act as a critical friend and to seek assurance on behalf of the WDHCP that there are effective arrangements in place to promote equality and inclusion and to involve the public in decisions about health and care. Its membership includes people with lived experience of using services and representatives of organisations that work to support people with protected characteristics.


System Professional Leadership
The System Professional Leadership group is a sub-committee of WDHCP. The group is made up of professionals from health and social care and its role is to provide assurance to the WDHCP that there is appropriate clinical & professional engagement when considering proposals for development of health and care services.

Our Committee meetings

The Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership Committee is made up of voting and non-voting members in attendance who meet regularly. They come from across Wakefield District, including public health, general practice, acute and mental health trusts and the voluntary sector.


There is also an independent chair and two independent members who bring constructive, independent, and respectful challenge to the plans, aims and priorities of the Partnership, and promote open and transparent decision-making aimed to deliver exceptional outcomes for our local population.


The Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership is a committee of the ICB. The ICB Scheme of Reservation and Delegation gives authority to the committee to make decisions that affect local people.


The decisions that will be made locally through the committee include:

  • governance arrangements for place
  • agree a plan that reflects the Partnership integrated care strategy and the Wakefield district Health and Wellbeing Strategy
  • allocate resources to deliver the plan
  • joint working arrangements with partners across Wakefield
  • operating structure to deliver the Wakefield partnership priorities & plan
  • provision of health services in line with the allocated resources
  • support providers to lead major service transformation programmes
  • development of primary care networks (PCNs)
  • work with local authority and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector partners to put in place personalised care for people
  • implementation of workforce priorities for the Wakefield district.
  • data and digital
  • joint work on estates, procurement, supply chain and commercial strategies
  • local systems to implement ICB risk management arrangements
  • arrangements within the Wakefield district for complying with the NHS Provider Selection Regime

The Committee meets in public every other month. At the moment meetings are held virtually on Microsoft Teams. To attend the meeting, please email wyicb-wak.wdhcp@nhs.net and we’ll send you a link to the event.


Details about the next Committee meetings in public can be found on this website.

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