Engagement describes the continuing and ongoing process of developing relationships and partnerships, so that the voice of local people and partners is heard and that our plans are shared at the earliest possible stages. It also describes activity that happens early on in an involvement process, including holding extensive discussions with a wide range of people to develop a robust case for change.

We are working hard to include people in the shaping of local services.  We want to do this because it helps us to make sure we are improving our services in ways that meet your needs.

It is really important for us to hear people’s comments, ideas and suggestions about ways in which we can make services better.

Engagements and consultations are the methods we use to find out what people think and can involve a number of different activities.

Current engagement and consultation

Change NHS: a health service fit for the future

To get a health service fit for the future, we know we need change in the NHS.


You can help shape a health service fit for the future in Wakefield District and West Yorkshire on the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership website.


NHS, Local Authority and Third sector staff are working harder than ever to get services back on track, to get waiting lists down and consistently deliver the best care.


We know change is needed. But we also know that many of the solutions we need are already here, working somewhere in the NHS today.


We in Wakefield District have not shied away from this challenge. We are tackling it head on — redesigning how we deliver care, bringing treatment closer to home and really taking advantage of the latest technology and innovation.


Our staff are our greatest asset. So we know it is not just recovery we need to worry about — it is resilience too. Productivity does not mean asking our staff to do more but giving them the tools they need. Whether it’s modern buildings, flexible working or better-connected tech, to work more efficiently, and therefore provide better, faster, safe care for patients.


That’s why we are playing our part in the launch the consultation for the 10-Year Health Plan alongside the government. We want to hear from you — patients, their families and the wider public — about your NHS story.


Whether you have a little to say or a lot, your views, experiences and ideas will shape immediate steps and long-term changes: a new 10-Year Health Plan for the NHS.


This is a once in a generation opportunity to make the NHS fit for the future. Together we can fix it. We need your voice.


Help shape a health service fit for the future in Wakefield District and West Yorkshire on the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership website.


Or find out more about the national project at change.nhs.uk.

Non-emergency Patient Transport

NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (WY ICB) would like to know how people travel to medical appointments and if they know about different support that is available to people.


In 2021 NHS England reviewed non-emergency patient transport services. This showed that there were differences across the country in who was able to use patient transport. To help make it fair for people in each area, NHS England have written some national guidance (‘eligibility criteria’).


Before we start to use this in West Yorkshire, the WY ICB would like to understand what difference it will make to people living and using services in the area. This will help make sure that the people who need support to get to their medical appointments and treatments get the right help and type of transport.


You can tell us about your experiences by filling out this questionnaire. You do not have to have used the non-emergency patient transport service to be involved.


If you would like to take part in a different way, or if you would like the questionnaire in a different format, or language please telephone 01924 317659 or email wyicb.wycommsand.involvement@nhs.net


If you would like to hear about other opportunities to give your views and experiences about things happening across West Yorkshire, join West Yorkshire voice here. Click here for more information about West Yorkshire voice

Decision reached from the older people’s mental health inpatient services consultation

Thank you to everyone who gave their views during the consultation which closed in March 2024 and heard from more than 1,500 people.


Following a robust process, a decision has been reached to have a dedicated inpatient dementia service at Ward 19, Dewsbury and District Hospital, with inpatient wards for other mental health needs in Calderdale and Wakefield.


You can read more about how the decision was made, and what happens next on the consultation website: www.southwestyorkshire.nhs.uk/opsconsultation

Engagement Reports

We produce reports on all of our engagement and consultation activity. You can find them below.

Please note: the links on this page open PDF or Microsoft Word documents.
Information can be made available in other formats such as large print, and may be available in alternative languages or easy read on request. Please call us on: 01924 315803 (please note this is for language queries only) or email wyicb.wycommsand.involvement@nhs.net for assistance.



Evaluation of the Wakefield Vaccination Model to Health Inclusion Groups (September 2022)

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Roving Team delivery of COVID-19 vaccines to health inequalities groups, commissioned by the NHS Wakefield Care Commissioning Group (CCG) in partnership with Wakefield Council and conducted by Clearview CIR.


Family Hub Engagement Results

The engagement ran from 13 December 2021 to 28 January 2022. As part of this work, we wanted to find out views from local families on what support programmes should be available in our Family Hubs, which can be found in this report.


Enhanced Access Survey (pdf) and Enhanced Access Survey – Accessible (pdf)


Please find recent Wakefield Health and Wellbeing and Health and Care Services reset reports commissioned by NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on the Healthwatch Wakefield website.


The Wakefield District Boating Community COVID-19 Vaccine (and general health and wellbeing) Survey is available.



Adults Learning Disability Plan for Wakefield District 2022-2024



Adults Learning Disability Strategy for Wakefield District: Review of feedback


COVID-19 vaccination feedback


King Street Walk in Centre


Reviewing the dementia pathway in Wakefield – service review (PowerPoint)

Engagement annual reports

Previous reports done by NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group are available on the National Archives website (archived website for NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group)

Green Leaf