NHS England has published new statutory guidance that supports effective partnership working with people and communities to improve services. This will guide our work.

As a partnership, we are coming together to develop an involvement framework, building on our Communication, Involvement and Equality Strategy and links to the work of the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

Working across Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership, we have made great inroads into forming our principles and approach to public involvement and ways of working. Local work has been aligned to that of the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and reflects our aims for:

  • no action or decision being made prior to evidence of appropriate public involvement taking place.
  • avoidance of duplication and mutual support for seeking public feedback across our area.
  • consideration of possible impacts of proposals and plans.
  • the approach to public involvement will be transparent, accountable and evoking trust from the public.

Our principles

Our principles continue to evolve but have been aligned with those of West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

Accessible and inclusive

We are ambitious for the people we serve and staff we employ. We will ensure our communications and involvement activity is accessible. We must make sure alternatives are readily available and must produce information in an accessible way. This is legally required and means we will reach more people. We will ask for help to get things right from those with lived experience.

Informed by data

We will use insight and evidence to understand the communities most affected by inequity and use this intelligence to inform our involvement and communications work. We will work with communities to develop our plans to ensure our work meets those needs.

Clear, simple, and meaningful

Our messages need to be easily understood by all. For example, acronyms will be clearly explained. We will not use jargon and will write in clear and simple terms so that everyone can understand what we are saying.

Consistent and fair

No matter where you live in West Yorkshire you can expect to receive the same opportunities to get involved.

Open, honest, and transparent

We will be clear from the start what our plans are, what people are and are not able to influence, the reasons why and ultimately, how decisions will be made.


We are committed to tackling inequality; we will focus efforts on reaching people and communities who experience barriers to involvement. We will make sure we get messages to people in the right way. We will work with our public assurance groups and other networks of people to inform and tailor our approach to involvement activities, looking at ways to enable and extend reach.


Making sure people receive information and opportunities at the appropriate time and have enough time to respond, keeping them updated on progress. We will involve people at a time and place that is convenient to them.


We will listen and respond, and let people know how their involvement has made a difference in our feedback to them. This is a true partnership. We have empathy with staff and people

Value for money

We will use our available resources and skills creatively and effectively.  This will include working together to avoid duplication and avoid involvement fatigue. We will use our resources wisely so that every £1 matters.


Key part of the governance process is our Community Panel which directly feeds to the Heath and Care Partnership. Through this group, the Partnership receives advice and assurance on all activity taking place in respect of public involvement, equality, diversity and inclusion.

Green Leaf