This page has information on local mental health services for adults, children and young people. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, call 999.

Mental health services for adults

NHS 111 - urgent help

If you need urgent help for your mental health, call 111 and select the mental health option. 111 is not an emergency service. In a mental health emergency, call 999. 


If you’re deaf or have hearing loss, please use the following link to be connected to local crisis service – NHS 111 – SignVideo.


If you aren’t able to make the call yourself, then anyone can call on your behalf – for example a friend, carer, loved one or even your GP. You can also access NHS 111 online via


The service is available to anyone in England who is facing a mental health crisis, which could include:

  • Changes to your mood
  • Withdrawing from people (close family, friends, or work colleagues)
  • Not taking care of yourself like you usually would
  • Having increased thoughts about your life not being worth living
  • Excessive worry
  • Feeling out of control or unable to cope
  • Feeling anxious about leaving the house
  • Hearing voices or seeing things that others can’t
  • Thinking about harming yourself

Here For You - support for people in mental health crisis

Here For You helps people in mental health crisis to find support and help in a non-clinical setting.


If you or somebody you know are struggling with thoughts of feeling down, worried, overwhelmed, or may have thoughts of self-harm and suicide, Here For You has a local team available every night of the year from 6pm until midnight.  The service offers free, safe, and confidential face-to-face support for anybody aged 16 years or older in Wakefield district.


Here For You is based on the ground floor of Prosper House, Upper Warrengate, Wakefield, WF1 4JZ. Prosper House is based in a convenient location, near to public transport links and also has a large car park, outdoor space and garden.


1-to-1 support is available, if you have something you feel you need to talk about privately, or if you prefer support around other people, they offer a social space for up to six people each evening.


To access support, call your local team on the same night you want support on 07776962815.


If you don’t have credit or feel worried about calling, you can text first and one of the team will give you a call back.


More information about Here for You is available on the Touchstone website.

24 hour mental health helpline

Free confidential support, advice and information available every day of the year. Call 0800 183 0558.

Wakefield Domestic Abuse Service

The Wakefield District Domestic Abuse Service is a comprehensive local support service which can be contacted by calling 0800 915 1561.


Samaritans offers a safe place to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal.


Telephone support is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 03300945717 (local call charges apply) or free from any phone on 116123.

Turning Point Talking Therapies

If you are feeling down, worried, depressed, or anxious, Turning Point can help. Support is available face-to-face, over the phone, or online

No need to go through your GP, just call 01924 234 860 or visit

Local mental health and wellbeing groups

Andy’s Man Club

Andy’s Man Club are a men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online. We want to end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and help men through the power of conversation.


Find your nearest group.

Rycroft Leisure

Rycroft Leisure is a sports, youth and community facility. The SELPH project works with individuals on a one-to-one basis with the intention of then moving them on to group work sessions at their own pace.  Each participant will have a bespoke package of support to suit their needs, they will be supported throughout this project.


You can refer yourself or get a referral via telephone: 01226 723659 and

Appletree Community Garden

This is a welcoming, accessible and inclusive community garden in Agbrigg, Wakefield, open to anyone interested in spending time outdoors, enjoying fresh community-grown food, meeting new people, and learning new skills.


There is:

  • Sowing, planting and harvesting
  • Learning new ways to cook
  • Building, mending, recycling and reusing
  • Sharing in conversation and enjoying the garden atmosphere


The Garden is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays (10am to 4pm) Follow directions to WF1 5AE. You’ll find the Garden on Agbrigg Road, down the long driveway opposite Newland Street.

Choose Well for mental health - a guide for adults

A guide to help adults in Wakefield District ‘choose well’ when looking after their mental health and wellbeing.


The guide helps people to know:

  • How they can look after their own mental health and wellbeing
  • Who else can help and provide mental health and wellbeing support
  • Where to go for help and support.


The guide is available on the South West Yorkshire Partnership Foundation Trust (SWYPFT) website.

Mental health services for children and young people

If a child or young person is experiencing a mental health emergency, call 999.

NHS 111 - urgent help

If a child or young person needs urgent help for their mental health, call 111 and select the mental health option. 111 is not an emergency service. In a mental health emergency, call 999. 


NHS 111 is for all ages, including children and young people and those with neurodevelopmental needs.


If you’re deaf or have hearing loss, please use the following link to be connected to local crisis service – NHS 111 – SignVideo.


If you aren’t able to make the call yourself, then anyone can call on your behalf – for example a friend, carer, loved one or even your GP. You can also access NHS 111 online via


The service is available to anyone in England who is facing a mental health crisis, which could include:

  • Changes to your mood
  • Withdrawing from people (close family, friends, or work colleagues)
  • Not taking care of yourself like you usually would
  • Having increased thoughts about your life not being worth living
  • Excessive worry
  • Feeling out of control or unable to cope
  • Feeling anxious about leaving the house
  • Hearing voices or seeing things that others can’t
  • Thinking about harming yourself

NightOWLs - overnight support for mental health crisis

NightOWLS is a confidential support line for children, young people, their parents and carers.


NightOWLS can help you if you:

  • Feel you have nowhere to turn
  • Feel you can’t go on living
  • Are in a crisis
  • Are finding it hard to cope with life
  • Are feeling angry, lonely, anxious or depressed
  • Are feeling confused or finding it hard to think straight
  • Are feeling unsafe
  • Are caring for a young person
  • Just want to talk


Open 8pm to 8am every day, you can contact Night OWLS on 0800 148 8244, text on 07984376950 (charges may apply) or chat online at

Compass - 24/7 emotional health and wellbeing support

Emotional health and wellbeing support for children and young people in Wakefield District is available 24/7.


Compass offers a range of advice and education by text, online and face-to-face.


Staff can help children, young people and families with issues such as low mood, anxiety, managing emotions such as anger and being scared, bullying, friendship problems, loneliness and sadness.


You can get free and confidential support by texting BUZZ to 85258 or through the ‘Wakey Wellness’ app which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.


WF-I-Can is a website for children and young people (8-19 years) in Wakefield District. It is a place to find information and advice as well as self-help tips that increase confidence and resilience.


The website includes ideas and top tips developed by children and young people themselves, helps to connect them with local and online services and provides weekly challenges to take part in.

Mental health and wellbeing groups

Young People’s Empowerment Project

For Young People aged 16 to 25 with emotional wellbeing issues/mild-Moderate mental health conditions who have not previously engaged with services.


Offers one to one mental health support alongside a creative club for people aged 16-25 where people can express themselves creatively.


Young people can refer themselves or can be referred via telephone: 01977 558074 and More information is available on the Young People’s Empowerment Project website.

The Youth Association

For Young People aged 16 to 25 with emotional wellbeing issues/mild-Moderate mental health conditions who have not previously engaged with services.


Empowering young adults to overcome life challenges. The service aims to grow resilience and reduce need for ongoing support from mental health services. Through group activity, the service seeks to improve support networks, increase self-esteem and improve capacity to manage own mental health effectively.


Young people can refer themselves or can be referred via telephone: 07772 111408 and More information is available on The Youth Association website.

SMaSH (Self-Management and Self Help)

For Young People aged 16 to 25 with emotional wellbeing issues/mild-Moderate mental health conditions who have not previously engaged with services.


Wraparound services ensure participants receive the necessary and appropriate support network to enable them to improve their health and wellbeing and live well with a long-term health condition.


The young person can refer themself or are can be referred via telephone: 07867 514031 and

Humanity 1st

For Young People aged 16 to 25 with emotional wellbeing issues/mild-Moderate mental health conditions who have not previously engaged with services.


Migrants, asylum seekers and refugees are among those supported to develop the skills needed to gain employment, good health & wellbeing and live independently through the following:

  • Conversation Café to reduce isolation
  • One to one/ focus group to support English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
  • Employability skills workshops
  • Health and wellbeing sessions
  • Help to write a CV
  • Qualifications conversion
  • Work experience
  • Volunteering schemes
  • Women group session


The young person can refer themselves or can be referred via telephone: 07445657274.

St George’s Community Centre

Those aged 16 to 25 are supported to build their own unique path to an improved sense of mental health and wellbeing.


Support can be given whilst the young person is on a waiting list for other services.


The following is offered:

  • Skills workshops and volunteer opportunities
  • One-to-one check ins
  • Support to access counselling
  • Professional advice
  • Meeting new friends
  • Supporting the young person to acquire the tools they need on their journey


Support is not time restricted. The young person can refer themself or can be referred via 01924 369631 and

Choose Well for mental health - a guide for children and young people

A guide to help children and young people in Wakefield District ‘choose well’ when looking after their mental health and wellbeing.


The guide for children and young people helps:

  • Support people in looking after their mental health and wellbeing
  • Inform people about how to access the right support when they need it
  • Help people know what to do if experiencing a mental health crisis or emergency.


The guide is available on the SWYPFT website

Green Leaf