Our People Plan focuses on how we can bring workers together across professional and organisational boundaries to deliver a seamless health and social care service for people living in Wakefield District.

The plan incorporates six pillars around which we will develop clear programmes of work over the next five years. You can find out more about each pillar, and a video explaining more, below.

Pillar 1: Looking after our people

Our vision

We will ensure that health and wellbeing support is available for everyone. Our people will have the practical and emotional support to do their jobs and be responsive and adaptable to be able to flourish in their role.


We will encourage and support a culture of civility and respect where discrimination, violence, bullying, and harassment are not tolerated, and people never feel fearful or apprehensive about coming to work.

Our objectives

We will invest in the psychological, emotional, and physical wellbeing of our people in the context of the changes and challenges brought about by COVID.


We will ensure that wellbeing resources are available to support the psychological, emotional, and physical wellbeing of all staff.


We will improve the work life balance of our workforce and reduce absence.


We will strengthen the adoption of Digital methodologies for engagement and connectivity ensuring time and space is built into digital working practices.


Read about our pillar 1 achievements and current work plan.

Pillar 2: System leadership

Our vision

We have an ambition to ensure that we increase the diversity of our leadership, so that it represents the population we are here to serve. We will support and develop leaders who identify with the Wakefield Health and Social Care system. This new generation of system leaders will have the right skill set to support system working.

Our objectives

Leaders in Wakefield will consistently demonstrate agreed values and behaviours. They will not retreat to organisational silos but embedding the same values and behaviours within their own organisations.


We will develop an Organisational Development culture of shared learning and best practice to support shared decision making, alongside a framework to develop system leaders who will support our system ambitions.


Read about our pillar 2 achievements and current work programme.

Pillar 3: Belonging

Our vision

We will foster a culture of openness, compassion and inclusion where people are listened to and feel confident and able to speak up.


We will create a culture where everyone feels they belong and where diversity is celebrated.

Our objectives

To build an inclusive climate for staff from all communities. This means an understanding and appreciation of all protected characteristics.


We will raise awareness of issues affecting people from these communities and ensure that there are advocates at a senior leadership level to act as champions. This will be supported by the ICS System of Sanctuary Plan, the Wakefield EDI Pledge and Health Inequalities Core20Plus5.


Read about our pillar 3 achievements and current work programme.

Pillar 4: New roles and new ways of working

Our ambition

There is a growing and changing demand for how care is provided, with a shift in thinking away from traditional role boundaries towards new, innovative roles and ways of working.


Ensuring the right people are working in the right places at the right times to provide the best possible care may require role redesign. This may include changes to existing role responsibilities and tasks or the creation of new job roles or services which provide better outcomes for people with care and support needs.


Read about our pillar 4 achievements and current work programme.

Pillar 5: Growing and developing our people

Our ambition

We will attract people from within our local community to work in the Wakefield system. Wakefield will be recognised as a good place to work. We will value our people, look after staff-wellbeing, and provide excellent career development opportunities.


People will be attracted to work in Wakefield and want to stay working in the place confident that their careers will flourish through choices to progress and develop right across a variety of system roles and pathways.


We will increase opportunities to promote H&SC careers and attract more people with the right values to join the workforce through joint supported employment programmes, apprenticeships, work-experience and voluntary roles or student placements.  We will create clear career pathways that are understood by our people. We will develop a sustainable social care workforce.


We will develop strategies aimed at improved retention including new ways of attracting retirees back into the health and social care workforce.


Read about our pillar 5 achievements and current work programme.

Pillar 6: Workforce planning

Our ambition

We will adopt a flexible approach to workforce planning which can respond to population health needs.


We will deliver a WDHCP People Plan, and delivery plan aligned to the WYHCP and National People Plan and support the delivery of WDH&CP Business Plan and vision.


Good quality workforce data will be available with information flowing both from within the system and from external sources. Workforce interventions are identified, planned, and implemented to support the delivery of the WDH&CP key priority areas work programmes.


Read about our pillar 6 achievements and current work programme.

Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership logo graphic device

The Wakefield People Plan aims to provide a road map for workforce transformation. It incorporates a commitment to taking the Wakefield citizens with us, challenging perceptions and expectations of how health and social care services should be delivered.

View our People Plan  
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