October 25, 2024
Building a new equality, diversity and inclusion strategy for West Yorkshire
West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership wants an inclusive and fairer West Yorkshire. We are currently creating a new equality, diversity and inclusion [EDI] strategy and plan for health and care services across West Yorkshire. We hope this will help make sure everyone who lives and works here is able to get help and support and live their lives to the full.
We want our plan to make a difference for people who use health and care services, and the people working in health and care services. We need to hear from as many voices as possible so please share this with your colleagues and networks.
How can people have their say?
We have two surveys, which you can complete on your own or as a group. Go to the relevant link below:
- Public survey: https://re-url.uk/WOSU
- Professional survey: https://re-url.uk/WOXJ
You can also add comments on our website: Building a new equality, diversity and inclusion strategy for West Yorkshire :: West Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership (wypartnership.co.uk)
If you would like help completing the survey or to receive it in a different format (like paper, audio or a different language) please telephone 01924 317659 or email wyicb.wycommsand.involvement@nhs.net.
If you would rather take part in a discussion group, or if you would like us to come to your group to support a discussion about the subjects covered in this questionnaire please telephone 01924 317659 or email wyicb.wycommsand.involvement@nhs.net
If there is an different way you would prefer to give you views please telephone 01924 317659 or email wyicb.wycommsand.involvement@nhs.net and we will do our best to help.