November 10, 2022

Frailty Virtual Wards are launching

Senior male at the front door
The Virtual Ward is a consultant-led service that supports patients who would otherwise be in hospital, to receive the acute care, monitoring, and treatment they need within their own home.

The Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield Frailty Virtual Ward is a collaboration between providers and commissioners across Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield. This includes a partnership of two acute and community Trusts; The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust and Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust and adult community services provided by Locala CIC, Calderdale Council, Kirklees Council, Wakefield Council and Voluntary Services.

The Virtual Ward is a consultant-led service that supports patients who would otherwise be in hospital, to receive the acute care, monitoring, and treatment they need within their own home.  This model prevents avoidable admissions into hospital, supports early discharge out of hospital, and increases the overall bed-base available for acute care. We know from research and experience that keeping frail people in familiar surroundings, with the necessary care and support from the hospital and community services, can improve their outcomes following a period of illness.  By supporting people within the place they call home, it also reduces known risks associated with an inpatient hospital stay.

The Virtual Ward model is being developed in an integrated way; joining the service together with other teams such as urgent community response, same day emergency care, night response services delivered by the local authority and services delivered through our voluntary sector partners. A multi-disciplinary team oversees the care of the patient on a daily basis with input from a number of professionals working together to ensure patients, their families and carers are supported to achieve the best outcomes.

Further information can be found on The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust website (opens external link).

General information about Virtual Wards can be found on the NHS England website.

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