May 9, 2023
Would you like to be our next Independent Chair?

Applications are now closed for the independent chair role on the Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership committee.
Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership committee has delegated authority from the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) to make decisions about the use of NHS resources in our district, including agreeing a plan to meet the health and healthcare needs of the population, allocating resources to deliver the plan and arranging for the provision of health services. The committee is made up of senior leaders including those from the local authority, NHS provider trusts, primary care and the voluntary community social enterprise sector.
The independent chair plays a key role in bringing constructive, independent, and respectful challenge to the plans, aims and priorities of the committee.
Information about the opportunity can be found in the applicant pack.
How to respond
To apply for this post please send the following via email to
The closing date is Friday 26 May.
Advert Independent Chair (PDF file opens in Adobe)
Recruitment pack – Independent Chair (PDF file opens in Adobe)
Equality Monitoring Form (opens in Word)
Fit and Proper Person Self Declaration (PDF file opens in Adobe)