August 23, 2023
Thank you for 10 years of valuable feedback to help us improve our services
Wakefield District Health & Care Partnership’s Quality Intelligence Group (QIG) celebrated its 10-year anniversary this month.
QIG is an important monthly meeting which captures your experiences of health and care – both positive and negative.
Feedback is gathered from a range of sources: Healthwatch Wakefield, our website, the NHS website, engagement activities, complaints, social media and service walkabouts.
QIG was set up in August 2013 and therefore has now been a regular fixture for a decade.
Over these 10 years, partners from across the District have shared feedback and ‘soft intelligence’ from our local population about local services.
Themes are identified and relevant actions agreed based on the sentiment of feedback and strength of evidence, with the ultimate goal to make your experience of services better for all the people of our district.
In 10 years, our QIG members have got together 120 times. They started with 34 pieces of feedback at that first monthly meeting and now consistently receive well over 100 experience snippets every month.
This has resulted in over 11,000 experience snippets gathered and more than 1,000 actions identified, big and small.
Gary Jevon, Healthwatch Wakefield Chief Executive Officer, said:
“We shouldn’t underestimate the impact QIG has, allowing us to take the feedback we are entrusted with to a group where tangible decisions are made on how to share and learn from it.
“QIG is unique to Wakefield district and a big part of the Healthwatch Wakefield offer.”
So thank you for your feedback which has helped make QIG the vibrant group it has and continues to be. You can continue to have your say by visiting the Get Involved section of our website, our Contact Us section, or by getting in touch via social media; We are on both Twitter and Facebook.