November 2, 2022

Wakefield Safe Space for mental health crisis is on the move

Wakefield Safe Space logo
Wakefield Safe Space image, incorporating a tree and coloured hearts. Those who have visited Safe Space have helped to design the Safe Space image.

Wakefield Safe Space, which helps people in mental health crisis to find support and help in a non-clinical setting, is on the move.

Wakefield Safe Space, which has been based in The Arthouse on Drury Lane, Wakefield has moved to Caduceus House, Upper Warrengate, Wakefield, WF1 4JZ which is the former premises of First Steps Day Nursery which closed in March 2020.  The premises is run by the local charity Wakefield and District Health and Community Support.  From 31 October 2022, Wakefield Safe Space is located at Caduceus House.

Wakefield Safe Space is based on the ground floor of Caduceus House, which has recently undergone significant renovation work, including new toilet facilities and redecoration.  Caduceus House is based in a convenient location, near to public transport links and also has a large car park, outdoor space and garden.  The intention is that the garden will be used for therapeutic activities in the future, including gardening and growing produce.

Sophie Hailwood, Operations Director, Touchstone said: “Touchstone are very excited about the move to Caduceus House, Upper Warrengate. With this move brings many opportunities for the development of Safe Space, with excellent facilities and a garden to call our own. We hope that the new premises will help support many more people across Wakefield who are in need of a safe space in times of emotional distress. As a partnership, this is a beginning of a new chapter in the life of the Safe Space and we look forward to building on what we have learned so far and continuing to grow together.”

Steven Michael, Chair, Spectrum People added: “Safe Space has become a highly valued resource, providing an important lifeline for those in mental health crisis. The ability to support people through such innovative approaches is so important given the turbulent times we all live in.”

Stan Foster, Operations Manager at Gasped said: “The new premises create a wonderful opportunity to further develop Safe Space for the benefit of the Wakefield District community”.

Kath Lindley, Chief Executive, Wakefield and District Health and Community Support said: “We are thrilled to be part of this partnership and are so pleased that Caduceus House will be able to act as a refuge for those who are suffering mental health distress.  The charity’s ambition is to continue to develop close working relationships with commissioners and to advocate for the voluntary and community sector across the whole of the district.”

Wakefield Safe Space, originally set up in 2020, was led by the local NHS and mental health alliance and provided by a partnership between Touchstone, Spectrum People and Gasped.  Wakefield Safe Space provides a safe place for people in crisis to go and to prevent avoidable attendances at A&E.

Wakefield Safe Space is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 6pm-12am and is open to anyone aged 16 plus, experiencing or approaching crisis who live in Wakefield District (you don’t need to be registered with a GP service). They provide one to one face to face support, support via telephone and Zoom, group social activities, support for attendees to develop safety plans and also create “wellbeing boxes” to aid in self-distraction and de-escalation at home.

People can either self-refer or be referred in by calling 07776 962815, they can also call into the venue to complete a referral form so that an appointment can be made.

The move enables Wakefield Safe Space to have more room to operate from, as demand for the service has increased.

Melanie Brown, Director System Reform and Integration, Wakefield Place, NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board added: “Since 2020, Wakefield Safe Space has become a crucial part of our mental health offer its integration with other services gives people the timely support they need most in a supportive and encouraging environment.”


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