June 27, 2022
West Yorkshire Healthier Together

The West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WY HCP) has launched a new website that provides consistent, accurate and trustworthy healthcare advice to parents, carers, young people, and professionals.
West Yorkshire Healthier Together is a free website developed by local healthcare professionals to help parents and carers keep their children safe and healthy. It has a wide range of information and is available by visiting www.wyhealthiertogether.nhs.uk.
The WY HCP has ensured the online advice compliments local advice given across health and care services. Information has been reviewed by local paediatricians, GPs, community pharmacists, health visitors and other professionals across the region to ensure it is the most current, and up to date information available.
The Healthier Together programme first originated in Wessex and its successful approach adapted and launched in other parts of the country. The benefits of local developments mean links and information about local services and resources have been made available.
It also offers practical advice on whether a child should go to nursery or school if unwell, along with advice on keeping children safe, well and in good general health.
Victoria Hemming, Consultant Paediatrician, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust and WY Healthier Together Clinical Lead said “Clinical expertise from a wide range of professionals across the area has made development of the West Yorkshire Healthier Together website possible. It’s designed to be a helpful and practical tool for parents and carers. It provides advice on common childhood illnesses, including when and where to go for help. There is also advice on keeping children safe and healthy. The website will continue to be developed with new topics added. We are particularly looking forward to working with young people to develop pages relevant for them.”
Sayma Mirza, Associate Director for Children, Young People and Families at WY HCP said “I am delighted to see the launch of our West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership ‘Healthier Together’ website which is going to be a valuable resource for children, young people, families, carers and health and care professionals. We aim to continue the development of the site in co-production with our Youth Collective and health and care professionals. This is great news for our local communities and workforce. Families across the area are very much encouraged to visit www.wyhealthiertogether.nhs.uk.”
Tim Ryley, Chief Executive Officer at Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group and a Senior Responsible Officer for the Children, Young People and Families Programme at WY HCP said “It is with enormous thanks to all the health and care professionals that have come together in recent months to make the launch of West Yorkshire Healthier Together possible. Please do visit and make it a go-to for local and trusted online health advice and information for your family”.