Our priorities

System leadership and development is key in enabling us to work more effectively together. We will implement the Wakefield System Development Programme. We will continue with our distributed leadership model to promote a sense of belonging to the Wakefield place.


The Wakefield System Development Programme identifies some key areas where partners will have to collaborate if we are to support system working. These include:

  • Communicating the vision for integration to all staff
  • Creating opportunities for partners to learn together
  • Develop behaviours and cultures that support collaborative working
  • Demonstrating the benefits of collaborative working to incentivise staff
  • Focus on team development where services have been integrated
  • Development of effective feedback loops
  • Develop a Wakefield talent approach and associated leadership programmes
  • Support development of the Wakefield Leadership Development Programme
  • Development of a Wakefield Reciprocal Mentoring and Coaching Programme, which includes a central repository that can be accessed by all partners

We will also develop a Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership (WDHCP) Staff Engagement Strategy aimed at gauging whether our people understand what the functions of the WDHCP are.


We will develop a forward plan for the next two years, setting out how we develop system leaders. We will explore ways in which we can diversify our pool of leaders so that they represent the community they service. We will strengthen our leadership development programmes.


Coaching hub

  • We promoted the online Coaching Hub for Wakefield place and currently have the highest number of participants across West Yorkshire.
  • We encouraged maximum uptake of ILM5 Coaching training for the 2023 cohorts, achieving the highest number of successful applicants across West Yorkshire.

Mentoring hub

  • We will be developing a mentoring hub as a shared resource across Wakefield.
  • We will build our own team of Mentor Trainers across the partnership.
  • We will increase the number of trained mentors across Wakefield District and encourage their registration on the mentoring hub.

System leader competencies

  • We have defined the role of a system leader and developed competencies for that role

System leadership development

  • We have developed a strategy to support and develop our workforce system leaders.
  • We are creating opportunities for our system leaders to work together.
  • We are developing a culture of compassionate leadership by building a cohort of our own trainers.

Communication strategy

  • We developed a communication strategy to demonstrate the vision for integration to all staff.
  • We merged the Workforce Hub onto the Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership website to improve coverage and increase footfall
  • We are developing a social media communication strategy
  • We have implemented a number of executive briefings by pillar 2 leads across the place

Engagement and involvement

  • We are engaging and involving the system workforce to encourage a systems approach
  • We are developing a workforce workshop format based on pillar 2 objectives
  • We will introduce Wakefield system awareness into the induction process for new staff
Green Leaf