Brand guidelines and templates
Our brand identity reflects the broad nature of our work across Wakefield district. It aims to help our staff, stakeholders and members of the public understand our collaborative approach as a partnership and our commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of local people. It also reflects our position within the wider West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.
Our identity has been co-produced with staff and key stakeholder groups, including three focus groups with community champions, patients, and a multi-agency staff group, followed by a short survey in which a wide range of stakeholders were invited to give their feedback on three possible concepts. The survey received almost 250 responses, with 33% coming from staff and 67% from other stakeholders.
Guide to Producing Accessible Content and Documents - (895.195kb .pdf)
Brand identity guidelines - (373.759kb .pdf)
Microsoft Teams background - (278.177kb .jpg)
A3 poster template - (2093.959mb .pptx)
A4 poster template landscape - (221.97kb .pptx)
Blank Word document template - (59.723kb .docx)
Equality monitoring form template - (59.529kb .docx)
Action log template - (60.605kb .docx)
Meeting minutes template - (62.797kb .docx)
WDHCP – report contents template - (65.124kb .docx)
WDHCP – report front sheet template - (67.963kb .docx)
WDHCP – agenda template - (63.488kb .docx)
Document cover template with photo illustration – landscape - (1413.165mb .docx)
Document cover template with photo illustration – portrait - (1272.387mb .docx)
Document cover template with graphics illustration – portrait - (804.343kb .docx)
PowerPoint template - (3714.683mb .pptx)
WDHCP logo monochrome reversed (white on black) - (29.721kb .png)
WCHCP logo reversed (white) - (28.695kb .png)
WDHCP logo monochrome (black) - (84.053kb .jpg)
WDHCP logo colour - (154.927kb .jpg)